Predicting Responses to Psychological Questionnaires from Participants’ Social Media Posts and Question Text Embeddings

In human-level NLP tasks, such as predicting mental health, personality, or demographics, the number of observations is often smaller than the standard 768+ hidden state sizes of each layer within modern transformer-based language models, limiting …

Predicting Responses to Psychological Questionnaires from Participants’ Social Media Posts and Question Text Embeddings

Psychologists routinely assess people's emotions and traits, such as their personality, by collecting their responses to survey questionnaires. Such assessments can be costly in terms of both time and money, and often lack generalizability, as …

Suicide Risk Assessment with Multi-level Dual-Context Language and BERT

Mental health predictive systems typically model language as if from a single context (e.g. Twitter posts, status updates, or forum posts) and often limited to a single level of analysis (e.g. either the message-level or user-level). Here, we bring …

3D-Brain Segmentation Using Deep Neural Network and Gaussian Mixture Model

Automatic segmentation of major brain tissues from high-resolution magnetic resonance images (MRIs) plays an important role in clinical diagnostics and neuroscience research. In this paper, we present a novel approach to extract brain tissues …